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MBA Spécialisé

Specialized MBA in Los Angeles - Dual Degree in Communication & Audio Visual Production

Los Angeles, a complete immersion in the entertainment industry.

Communication & Audio-Visual Production in Paris and Lyon.
Master of Arts in Producing in Los Angeles.

Formation délivrée en présentiel et disponible à :

Lyon, Paris

Next school year : October 2025
› 3 months in Paris or Lyon 
› 6 months in Los Angeles
› Eligibility for OPT (One Year Work Authorization)
In partnership with EFAP and the New York Film Academy, one of the most prestigious american institutions this dual degree in Communication and Audiovisual Production will allow you to receive a cutting-edge education in production in Los Angeles. After this 9 month program, 100% in English, you will be eligible for an OPT (Optional Practical Training), a work authorization in the US for a year : ideal to start your career in the audio visual production industry !


Targeted skills
› Develop a communication strategy
› Implement a communication strategy
› Lead internal and external communication teams
› Manage a brand

At the end, two degrees 

Students will be eligible for :

The EFAP 5 Year Degree in Communication & Audio-visual Production

New-York Film Academy's 1 Year Academy’s Master of Arts in Producing

› Pass rate for certification (2022 prom): 99%
› Job placement rate after 6 months (2021 prom): 89%

Career Opportunities

Leading to many industries, careers opportunities in audio-visual production exist in a range of varied environments, such as companies and agencies, production companies and studios, major and independent labels, development, publishing, or distribution.

The MBA Specialised in Communication & Audio- Visual Production trains flexible professionals in a wide range of roles whose common denominator is to bring leadership, creative vision, and business acumen to a project.

Television :

› Program coordinators
› Managing editors
› Programmers
› Art producers
› Floor managers
› Researchers
› Directors, etc.

Advertising :

› TV Producers
› Creative Producers
› Art Directors
› Production coordinators
› Production assistants
› Production managers / Web producers, etc.

Film :

› Executive producers
› Associate producers› Programmers
› Stage managers, etc. 

Radio :

› Podcast writers
› Podcast prducers, etc.

Music :

› Music producers
› Record label production coordinators
› Communication manager in a major record label (music industry), etc.

Video Games :

› Multimedia project managers, etc.

Careers common to the careers listed above : 
› Production managers
› Project managers
› Digital Marketing Managers
› Production assistants
› Content creation
› Post-producers 

Designed for students who have graduated with a first 4/5 year degree and wish to specialize, or for professionals who want to improve their skill sets, the double diploma provides a high-standard of customized education and professional training.

Admission Conditions

To be eligible, the applicant must have a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a foreign accredited university or school (Bac +4).

› A Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a foreign accredited university or school (Bac + 4)

› Official English test : TOEFL (score 80) or DUOLINGO (score 105)

› Minimum average of 12/20

› A strong creative portfolio

› No GMAT necessary

› Consult us for admission process :

    Admission Process

    Recruiting MBA Specialised in Communication & Audio-Visual Production promotions involves two stages :

    Eligibility : candidates are first selected by the admissions panel on the merits of their application. Eligible applicants are then invited to an interview to discuss their motivation and their professional project.

    Acceptance : admissions interview with the program director and/or with a professional.

      Personalized meetings

      Have an in-depth discussion with the coordinator!

      To register, please contact:



      +331 84 88 03 11






      +334 72 10 69 76

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      Lyon - Paris

      Devenez de futurs chefs de production audiovisuelle agiles, connectés et multi-supports au cœur de nombreux univers culturels et professionnels.

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      Lyon - Paris

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      Former aux enjeux, métiers et expertises de communication RSE et développement durable.

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      Communication & Gastronomie


      Devenez de futurs professionnels de la communication dans le domaine de la gastronomie et contribuez à faire rayonner l'art culinaire français à travers le monde.

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      Lille - Lyon - Paris

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      Paris Part-Time

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      Devenez acteur de la révolution numérique de l'industrie du luxe.

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      New York

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      Lyon - Paris

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      la brochure


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